The Parable of the Lost Sheep: Yehovah’s Unfailing Love

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One of Yeshua’s most touching parables is that of the lost sheep. In Luke 15:3-7, Yeshua tells of a shepherd who leaves his ninety-nine sheep to find the one that is lost. This parable beautifully illustrates Yehovah’s relentless love and pursuit of each one of us, no matter how far we may have strayed. The…

Yeshua: The Compassionate Healer

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In the Gospel of Matthew, Yeshua touches on a profound truth: “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners” (Matthew 9:12-13). Yeshua’s words remind us of the…

Finding Rest in Shabbat: Following Yeshua’s Example

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As we conclude another blessed Shabbat, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on the true essence of this day of rest. Yeshua, our beloved guide and teacher, showed us the importance of observing Shabbat through His actions and teachings. He reminded us that Shabbat is not just a day to cease our labors, but a…

Embracing Faith in Our Daily Lives

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Today, let’s explore how we can integrate the teachings of Yeshua into our daily lives. Yeshua’s message of love, compassion, and forgiveness isn’t confined to Sunday sermons. It’s a calling for us to embody these virtues every day. Scripture #1: Matthew 22:37-39 (KJV)Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all…

Faith and Forgiveness: Why Forgiving Others is Vital in Our Walk with Yehovah

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Introduction: The Power of Forgiveness Forgiveness is a cornerstone of our faith and a vital aspect of our relationship with Yehovah and others. Yeshua’s teachings highlight the importance of forgiveness, urging us to let go of past grievances and extend grace to others. This post explores why forgiving others is essential for our spiritual growth…

Walking in His Footsteps

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Introduction In the Hebrew Roots movement, we strive to live our lives as Yeshua (Jesus) did, adhering to the Torah and following His example in every aspect of our lives. Yeshua perfectly lived out the Torah, and His teachings and actions provide a clear path for us to follow. In this post, we will explore…

Words with Meaning….

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Hebrew Vocabulary List for Beginners in the Hebrew Roots Movement Understanding key Hebrew terms is essential for those new to the Hebrew Roots movement. This vocabulary list provides foundational words and phrases commonly used in worship, family life, and festivals. Knowing these terms can deepen your connection to the faith and enhance your spiritual journey.…

The Aaronic Blessing: A Tradition of Blessing on Shabbat

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The Aaronic Blessing, also known as the Priestly Blessing, is a timeless prayer that holds a special place in the hearts of many believers. This prayer, given by Yehovah to Moses to be spoken by Aaron and his sons, is a beautiful expression of divine favor, protection, and peace. It is commonly used to bless…

Sacrament Prayers for Followers of Christ

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Historical Context The sacrament prayers have deep roots in Jewish tradition and are derived from blessings used in ancient times. These prayers are found in various Jewish texts and liturgies, including the Siddur (Jewish prayer book). The blessings, HaMotzi (over bread) and Kiddush (over wine), are traditional prayers of thanksgiving and sanctification. Jesus and the…

Which of the Twelve Tribes Are You From, or Does It Really Matter?

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The question of tribal affiliation has intrigued believers and scholars for centuries. Rooted deeply in the history and theology of the Hebrew people, the twelve tribes of Israel each hold unique significance and heritage. Understanding the tribes’ roles and their relevance to modern believers can offer profound insights into one’s spiritual journey and identity. The…

Before and After Nicaea: The Transformation of Early Christianity

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The early Christian Church underwent significant transformations from its formative years through to the conclusion of the First Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. This pivotal period in Christian history marked a transition from a decentralized group of believers to a more unified entity with clearer doctrines and structures. The Church Before Nicaea Before the…