Month 4: The Holy Spirit and the Church

Week 1: The Holy Spirit Comes

Lesson: Theme: The Empowering Presence of the Holy Spirit Scripture: Acts 2:1-21 Main Point: The Holy Spirit empowers us to share the good news.

Opening Prayer: (By invitation)

Activity: Tongues of Fire Craft Instructions: Provide materials for the teenagers to create their own “tongues of fire” craft using construction paper, scissors, and glue. As they work on their crafts, encourage them to reflect on the significance of the Holy Spirit’s coming and the empowerment it brings to share the Gospel.

Summary: In this lesson, we explored the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Through the tongues of fire craft activity, the teenagers were reminded of the events of Pentecost and the empowerment that the Holy Spirit brings to believers. They were encouraged to embrace the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives and share the good news of Jesus with boldness.

Scripture Memorization: Acts 1:8 – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Due by next week)

Possible Refreshment: Fiery Popcorn Mix Prepare a popcorn mix using spicy seasonings to symbolize the fire of the Holy Spirit’s empowering presence.

Closing Prayer: (By invitation)