“Be still and know that I am God.

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In a world filled with noise and chaos, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. But in the stillness, we can find peace and clarity. The Bible reminds us to “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). This verse speaks to the heart of our spiritual journey, reminding us that in the…

The Divine Design of Free Will: Understanding the Tree of Knowledge

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One of the profound mysteries in Judeo-Christian thought is why God, referred to as Yehovah in the Hebrew Bible, endowed humans with free will and then placed temptation, in the form of the Tree of Knowledge, within arm’s reach in the Garden of Eden. Delving into scriptures can offer insights into this age-old question. The…

“The War in Heaven: A Scriptural Exploration and Its Timing”

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The concept of a “war in heaven” is deeply rooted in the Christian scriptural tradition. While directly mentioned in the Book of Revelation, traces of this celestial conflict can be found scattered throughout the Bible, often wrapped in symbolism and intricate imagery. The exact timing of this event – whether it’s a future occurrence, a…

“Origins of Demons: Scriptural Insights and Interpretations”

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Demons, often depicted as malevolent beings in opposition to the divine, have been subjects of intrigue and speculation throughout religious history. The origins and nature of these entities vary depending on scriptural interpretations and religious traditions. Let’s delve into some key scriptural references to gain a deeper understanding: Throughout the ages, theologians, writers, and thinkers…

🌟 This is my Testimony of Learning: A Disciple of Yeshua 🌟

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Through this website, I have found a sacred space to document my testimony—a testimony of the profound lessons and truths I have uncovered while exploring the gospel of the kingdom. After leaving the LDS church Just like you, who have left or are leaving your church have had to relearn the Gospel. I am not…

Embracing Hope, Nurturing Faith, and Living in Charity: A Journey of Spiritual Growth

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In our ever-changing world, finding hope, fostering faith, and living in charity are essential for navigating life’s challenges with resilience and purpose. The scriptures offer profound guidance on these virtues. In this post, we will explore the wisdom of 1 Corinthians 13:11-13 and other verses that highlight the significance of hope, faith, and charity. Together,…

Safeguarding Our Children in the Last Days: A Call to Parental Vigilance

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In these challenging times, as we navigate the uncertainties of the last days, safeguarding our children has become more critical than ever. The world is filled with diverse influences that can impact our children’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As parents, we are entrusted with the responsibility of protecting and nurturing them. In this post,…

Finding Priorities and Embracing the Gospel Amidst the Seasons of Family Life

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Navigating the various seasons of family life, especially when raising small children, supporting a spouse’s work journey, and managing schooling, presents both joys and challenges. As we journey through these seasons, it is crucial to establish priorities that align with the teachings of the Gospel. Drawing inspiration from Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a…

The Blessing of Being Poor in Spirit: Embracing Humility in Yeshua’s Teachings

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In the teachings of Yeshua, particularly in the Sermon on the Mount, we encounter profound wisdom that continues to resonate with believers today. Among these teachings, the Beatitudes hold a special place. In this post, we will explore the significance of being “poor in spirit” in the context of Yeshua’s teachings and how embracing humility…

“Unveiling the Enigma: Exploring the Life of Yeshua and the Search for Truth”

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Chapter 1: The Prophesied Birth Yeshua’s story begins with prophecies foretelling his birth. The Old Testament book of Isaiah speaks of a future Messiah who will be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), setting the stage for the miraculous events surrounding Yeshua’s arrival. The apocryphal “Gospel of Nicodemus,” the “Infancy Gospel of James,” and the…

Exploring the Nature of Truth: Insights from Philosophy and Scriptural Perspectives

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In our contemplation of truth, we delve into a profound subject that has intrigued philosophers, theologians, and seekers of knowledge for ages. What is truth? How do we ascertain it amidst the complexities of human experience and differing perspectives? Drawing from philosophical inquiry and scriptural wisdom, we embark on a fascinating exploration. Philosophically, truth is…

“Unraveling the Mystery of ‘Us’ in Genesis 1:26 – Perspectives Across Faiths”

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By ADMIN The verse Genesis 1:26 in the Bible, when translated directly from the original Hebrew, reads: “And-said God, let-us-make man in-our-image, after-our-likeness; and-let-them-rule over-the-fish-of the-sea, and-over the-birds-of the-heavens, and-over the-cattle, and-over all-the-earth, and-over every-creeping-thing, that-creeps upon-the-earth”. The usage of plural language, “us” and “our,” elicits a compelling question: Who does this “us” refer to? To navigate this…

The Minor Prophets’ Major Messages

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While they may be less known than their “major” counterparts like Isaiah or Jeremiah, the minor prophets offer potent messages that still resonate today. Let’s take a look at the book of Habakkuk, a minor prophet who wrestled with questions many of us still ask today. Habakkuk lived in a time of great moral and…

Wisdom versus Knowledge: Navigating the Depths of Understanding

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In our quest for understanding, we encounter two intertwined concepts that shape our perception of the world: wisdom and knowledge. Both hold significance in our lives, but they possess distinct qualities and applications. Join me as we embark on a journey to explore the depths of wisdom and knowledge, uncovering their essence and discerning how…

The Importance of Self-Care: Nurturing Your Physical and Mental Well-being

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In the midst of our busy and demanding lives, it is crucial to recognize the significance of self-care and prioritize our physical and mental well-being. This post explores the importance of self-care, offering insights into nurturing our overall health and providing practical strategies for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Let us delve into the…

The Joy of Giving: Acts of Kindness That Make a Difference

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In a world that often emphasizes self-centeredness, the joy of giving and performing acts of kindness holds immense value. Inspired by the teachings of Scriptures, this post explores the profound impact of acts of kindness and the joy that accompanies them. Let us delve into the transformative power of giving and how it aligns with…

“Repentance: The Pathway to the Final Destination”

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Repentance is a fundamental concept in many religious traditions, often seen as the first step on the journey towards spiritual growth and ultimate salvation. It involves a sincere turning away from sin and turning towards righteousness. This post will explore the concept of repentance as the pathway to the final destination in the spiritual journey.…