Month 1: Creation and God’s Love

Week 1: God Created the World

Lesson: Theme: God’s Creation Scripture: Genesis 1:1-31 Main Point: God created everything, and it was good.

Opening Prayer: (Opening prayer can be personalized by the instructor or a volunteer.)

Activity: Creation Collage Instructions: Provide magazines, scissors, glue, and large poster boards. Ask the teenagers to cut out pictures or words from the magazines that represent different aspects of God’s creation. They can then create collages by gluing the cut-outs onto the poster boards. Encourage them to discuss the beauty and diversity of God’s creation as they work on their collages.

Summary: In this lesson, we explored the theme of God’s creation. Through the creation collage activity, we emphasized the beauty and goodness of God’s creation. The teenagers were reminded that everything in the world, including themselves, is part of God’s magnificent design.

Scripture Memorization: Genesis 1:31 – “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” (Due by next week)

Possible Refreshment: Fruit Salad Provide a variety of fresh fruits for the teenagers to enjoy as they discuss and reflect on God’s creation.

Closing Prayer: (Closing prayer can be personalized by the instructor or a volunteer.)