Persecution of believers and martyrdom: Yeshua warns in Matthew 24:9-10

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Persecution of believers and martyrdom: Yeshua warns in Matthew 24:9-10 That his followers will face persecution, hatred, and even martyrdom due to their faith. This sign highlights the opposition and hostility directed towards believers, as their commitment to Yeshua stands in contrast to the world’s values.

Earthquakes, famines, and pestilences: In Matthew 24:7

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Earthquakes, famines, and pestilences: In Matthew 24:7 Yeshua foretells of these natural calamities that will occur as signs of the last days. They signify the earth’s upheaval and the challenges humanity will face, including widespread hunger, disease outbreaks, and devastating disasters.

Ethnic and nation against nation conflicts: Matthew 24:7

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In Matthew 24:7, Jesus further elaborates on the signs of the end times, stating, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” This statement highlights the presence of conflicts and tensions between different ethnic groups and nations as a characteristic of the last days. It indicates that there will be an increase in hostility…

Wars, conflicts, and rumors of wars: Matthew 24:6-7

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In Matthew 24:6-7, Jesus foretells that wars, conflicts, and rumors of wars will occur, cautioning believers not to be alarmed, as these are expected signs of the last days. Nations will rise against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms, indicating both external conflicts and internal strife. This prophecy acknowledges the reality of ongoing wars and serves…

Increase in knowledge and global communication: Daniel 12:4

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Increase in knowledge and global communication: Daniel 12:4 In the prophetic book of Daniel, Chapter 12, verse 4, it states, “But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” This verse points to a future time when…

The gathering of the elect

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The gathering of the elect: Matthew 24:31 describes the gathering of the elect by angels at the sound of a trumpet. This sign refers to the assembling of believers from all corners of the earth to be united with Yeshua.

The coming of the Son of Man

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The coming of the Son of Man: Matthew 24:30 declares the coming of the Son of Man, referring to Yeshua’s return in glory. This sign marks the climax of the last days, as Yeshua returns to establish His reign and bring judgment.

The resurrection of the dead

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The resurrection of the dead: 1 Thessalonians 4:16 speaks of the resurrection of the dead. This sign signifies the restoration of believers who have passed away, being raised to eternal life in the presence of Yeshua.

The establishment of Christ’s kingdom on earth

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The establishment of Christ’s kingdom on earth: Revelation 20:4-6 speaks of the establishment of Christ’s kingdom on earth. This sign marks the fulfillment of God’s plan, as Yeshua reigns as King, bringing peace, righteousness, and the fullness of His kingdom.

The judgment and separation of the sheep and goats

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The judgment and separation of the sheep and goats: Matthew 25:31-46 depicts the final judgment, where the righteous and the wicked are separated. This sign signifies the ultimate assessment of individuals’ lives based on their response to Yeshua and their treatment of others.