“Unveiling the Truth: Revisiting the Foundations of Faith Through Scriptures”

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In the journey of faith, there comes a time to pause, reflect, and ask – are we truly walking the path laid down by the prophets and Yeshua? In our quest to remain true to Yehovah’s teachings, it is imperative to scrutinize the doctrines that have governed our beliefs over the centuries. Let us embark on a journey through scriptures, unraveling the distortions and deletions that have crept into modern teachings, to foster a faith grounded in truth and reverence for Yehovah.

Sabbath – A Day Misplaced?

The true observance of the Sabbath, a cornerstone of faith, is grounded in the Judaic tradition. According to Genesis 2:2-3, the Sabbath day is entrenched in the very act of creation, with Yehovah resting on the seventh day, sanctifying it as a day of rest. This day, as recorded, is not Sunday, but Saturday, marking the end of the week.

However, the transition from Saturday to Sunday as the day of worship didn’t happen abruptly but was a gradual process instigated partly to differentiate Christian practices from Jewish customs and to commemorate Yeshua’s resurrection (Matthew 28:1-10). Constantine, in the early 4th century, further established Sunday as a day of rest, a deviation from the original scriptures.

As seekers of truth, this brings us to a crossroad. Do we adhere to a tradition modified by man, or do we turn to the scriptures, embracing the day sanctified by Yehovah himself? By returning to the origins, we not only honor the true Sabbath but foster a deeper connection with Yehovah, grounding our practices in authenticity and reverence for His word.

Christmas – A Pagan Integration into Christian Doctrine?

As we scrutinize the roots of Christmas, celebrated universally on December 25th to commemorate Yeshua’s birth, we find no scriptural basis confirming this date. In fact, early Christian leaders leveraged existing pagan festivals such as Saturnalia and the Winter Solstice to integrate and Christianize these popular pagan celebrations, hence choosing December 25th as a date of celebration.

Jeremiah 10:2-4 warns us against following the ways of the pagans, admonishing the act of cutting a tree and decorating it with silver and gold – a practice remarkably similar to modern Christmas traditions. It is a stark reminder to disentangle ourselves from practices rooted in paganism, which Yehovah expressly detests, and to forge a path grounded in truth and reverence for His teachings.

Thus arises a pertinent question – as followers of Yeshua, rooted in the Hebrew origins of Christian faith, should we continue to adhere to a tradition distorted with pagan elements? Or should we strive to separate ourselves from practices not sanctified by scriptures, to honor Yehovah in truth and spirit?

The Commandments – Abolished or Still Binding?

The teachings regarding the commandments hold a significant place in the discourse of modern religious doctrines. A prevalent belief is that the commandments were “fulfilled” by Yeshua, citing references from the book of Matthew 5:17-18 where Yeshua proclaimed, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”

Yet, this brings forth a dichotomy. Fulfilling the law isn’t synonymous with abolishing it; rather it involves embracing the law in its true spirit, abiding by the moral and spiritual guidelines laid down by Yehovah through the prophets. Yeshua’s life is a testimony to living in harmony with Yehovah’s commandments, embodying the principles of love, truth, and righteousness at the heart of these decrees.

The Hebrew Roots movement, from which we derive our foundation, urges us to revisit the authenticity of this stance. It encourages a return to the original teachings and practices, fostering a genuine connection with Yehovah through adherence to the principles elucidated in the commandments.


As we find ourselves wading through distorted doctrines, let us be guided by a quest for truth, grounded in scriptural evidence and the unerring teachings of the prophets and Yeshua. It calls for a spiritual renaissance, urging us to reject superficial interpretations and to embrace a deeper understanding of Yehovah’s word, fostering a faith rich in authenticity and aligned with the true teachings of Yehovah.

This journey is not merely an academic endeavor but a spiritual calling, a path leading us back to Yehovah’s embrace, nurturing a faith that is pure, unadulterated, and true to its Hebrew Roots. Let us embark on this path with courage and reverence, forging a connection with Yehovah that is untainted by distortions and deletions, a faith that truly honors Yehovah in spirit and truth.