Week 2: Jesus’ Teachings

Lesson: Theme: Jesus’ Teachings Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12 Main Point: Jesus teaches us how to live.

Opening Prayer: (By invitation)

Activity: Beatitudes Reflection Instructions: Read and discuss the Beatitudes from Matthew 5:1-12. Ask the teenagers to choose one or more Beatitudes that resonate with them personally. Provide journals or paper for them to reflect on how they can apply those teachings in their daily lives. Encourage them to share their insights with the group, fostering a discussion on living according to Jesus’ teachings.

Summary: In this lesson, we focused on the teachings of Jesus, specifically the Beatitudes. Through the Beatitudes reflection activity, the teenagers considered the values and principles Jesus taught in His Sermon on the Mount. They were challenged to live out these teachings and strive for a Christ-centered life.

Scripture Memorization: Matthew 5:16 – “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Due by next week)

Possible Refreshment: Salted Popcorn Serve salted popcorn as a reminder of the call to be salt and light in the world, influencing others through our actions and character.

Closing Prayer: (By invitation)