Week 3: Using Our Gifts to Serve Others

Lesson: Theme: Discovering and Utilizing Our Spiritual Gifts Scripture: 1 Peter 4:10-11 Main Point: God has given us unique gifts to serve others.

Opening Prayer: (By invitation)

Activity: Spiritual Gifts Assessment Instructions: Provide spiritual gifts assessment tools or questionnaires for the teenagers to complete. Encourage them to identify their spiritual gifts and discuss how they can utilize these gifts to serve others in the church and the community.

Summary: In this lesson, we focused on discovering and utilizing our spiritual gifts to serve others. Through the spiritual gifts assessment activity, the teenagers gained a better understanding of their unique gifts and talents. They were encouraged to actively seek opportunities to use these gifts in service to others, bringing glory to God and edifying the body of Christ.

Scripture Memorization: 1 Peter 4:10 – “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (Due by next week)

Possible Refreshment: Gifted Treats Prepare a variety of treats and label them with different spiritual gifts. Encourage the teenagers to choose a treat that corresponds to a gift they resonate with as a reminder of their unique abilities and call to serve.

Closing Prayer: (By invitation)