🌟 This is my Testimony of Learning: A Disciple of Yeshua 🌟

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Through this website, I have found a sacred space to document my testimony—a testimony of the profound lessons and truths I have uncovered while exploring the gospel of the kingdom. After leaving the LDS church Just like you, who have left or are leaving your church have had to relearn the Gospel. I am not…

Finding Priorities and Embracing the Gospel Amidst the Seasons of Family Life

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Navigating the various seasons of family life, especially when raising small children, supporting a spouse’s work journey, and managing schooling, presents both joys and challenges. As we journey through these seasons, it is crucial to establish priorities that align with the teachings of the Gospel. Drawing inspiration from Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a…

“Developing Self-Control: Yielding to the Spirit’s Guidance”

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Self-control is a vital aspect of the Christian life, empowering us to make wise choices and align our actions with Yehovah’s will. The ability to exercise self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, as described in Galatians 5:22-23. In this post, we will explore the importance of self-control and delve into the Scriptures that guide…

“Cultivating the Fruits of the Spirit: Living Out Yehovah’s Word”

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The Fruits of the Spirit, as described in Galatians 5:22-23, are essential qualities that reflect the character of Yehovah in the lives of believers. These virtues are deeply rooted in Yehovah’s Word, which guides us in cultivating these fruits and transforming our lives. In this post, we will explore each Fruit of the Spirit and…

The Importance of Self-Care: Nurturing Your Physical and Mental Well-being

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In the midst of our busy and demanding lives, it is crucial to recognize the significance of self-care and prioritize our physical and mental well-being. This post explores the importance of self-care, offering insights into nurturing our overall health and providing practical strategies for maintaining a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Let us delve into the…